Is middle-class the new ‘in’?

Confessions of a Mom
March 23, 2018
The goodbye that was never told
June 8, 2018

Is middle-class the new ‘in’?

Whoever (fictional TV series character, Maya Sarabhai) thought that being middle-class(taunting at her daughter in law in the series) was downmarket, I think they are the new in.

If you see kitchen walls in an average household patch worked with milk packets, they arent stashing them for the money. They are actually recycling it.

If stand up comedians made fun of how some people used the last bits of their bath soap by sticking them onto the new soap, they are actually saving the Earth by not wasting anything brought home.

They are the ones unknowingly conscious about microbeads entering the water sources because they can’t afford to buy those expensive body scrubs from the body spa stores.

If you see newspapers being utilised in more than one ways in a middle-class family especially with infants and toddlers around(you will know what I am talking about if you have untrained toddlers) don’t gross out. They are just reducing more trees being felled to make those absorbent paper towels.

Having a bucket and a mug in the bathroom or a semi-automatic washing machine is all water saving. The new need of the hour.

There’s no shame in recycling those milk cartons or newspapers. Don’t bin them. Recycle is the mantra.

It’s more than time now that we started to reduce, reuse and recycle.

#lifeessentials #worldenvironmentday

P.s. the scrapyard owners that I know are millionaires 😊 think about it!

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