A Cinderella Life

Lock down Sky
May 19, 2020
Day off for periods 😊
August 24, 2020

A highly dramatised version of what the first half of my day looks like. In no way should this be compared to the real people in my life (although I have used them all in comparison to the characters in the animated musical fantasy movie “Cinderella” produced by Walt Disney Productions many many decades ago.) If you haven’t seen the movie, I suggest you skip reading this blog.

My daughter once asked me what is my favourite movie. After a lot of contemplation, instead of naming an Oscar winner I said, “Cinderella”, the Disney version. And now to think of it, I live a Cinderella life everyday. 

Every morning I look out of my window with my half open eyes, rubbing them hard in hope that they will open soon enough. The birds are chirping outside my window (they really do, there is this little woodland, more like a private owned woodland right next to my window) and thankfully no mouses! I sit on my bed, look for my slippers(usually lying around some where)(my ankles are so stiff! Don’t calculate my age.)and slip my feet into them. Like cinderella getting down the stairs and opening the curtains outside her stepmother’s room, I open the curtains to my only limited-square sized balcony but I feel like I am unveiling the most majestic morning there is. 

Then I get into the kitchen(much smaller than the one shown in the movie) just like cinderella – determined. I put the kettle on(regular steel vessel but lets pretend its a kettle. Sounds more fancy!)and fill the coffee filter with the most aromatic grounded coffee. While I wait for the water to boil, I get the fruits out, to be cut for breakfast and start to put together a wholesome breakfast. 

Meanwhile, the sun is positioning right above the trees I can see from my windows. It reminds me I have to water the plants. While I come back to the kitchen, I pick soiled clothes from all bedrooms, bathrooms and wherever it is they are found. Sometimes on the sofa, sometimes a towel in the kids play area, a hand kerchief on the dining table chair! 

I serve breakfast to the Mr. (ever so slightly comparable to the stepmother) on the table (he’s sipping coffee and reading the newspaper) and then sit down to eat myself with my coffee already reheated once in the microwave oven( I don’t recommend the usage of a microwave oven). 

I wait for Anastasia and Drizella (my two darling children, don’t go by literal gender for the names. This is only a depiction) to wake up. They do by the time the lunch is also prepped. “mommy! water” “mommy, breakfast” “mommy, milk!” And I say to myself instead of them, “alright! alright! calm down now” (Have you seen the three bells by the fireplace go trriinnnnggg in the movie?) 

When all the chores are done, I let myself into a nice cool shower and pretend the fairy god mother is getting ready to dress me up. I put on the best clothes I have and step out a all-new cinderella, the one that the step sisters were jealous of and just like in the cartoon version, the two children here run to me both shouting, “he did that first” “she pulled my hair first”.


To be continued… (maybe) 

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