Do you want to marry me again?

Day off for periods 😊
August 24, 2020

Bragging about being married for a lot many years, I have given myself the certificate to give relationship advice. Surviving a marriage for that many years, gives you that for free. 

There comes a time when beach becomes too hot, the snow becomes too cold and love becomes too old. There comes a time maybe sooner or later when the shoes need a good polish. The recent pandemic has given the perfect opportunity now. The new ordeal has led to people finding boredom in their closets. Couples have gone beyond the finish line of spending time with each other. They are on the verge of either discovering newer grounds for pastures or are even re-discovering the old flames from ashes.

Pre-Covid travel, shopping, spending and meeting with friends and family kept the excitement of a marriage alive. Oh yeah!  Marriage is never a two people job. It takes a whole lot of co-existing humans to make a marriage a peaceful and successful one but thanks to Corona, couples have been let too far with each other.  The only distraction is coming from mobile phones and social media.

Its time to re-invent the love life.

Every marriage will need some sort of maintenance after it runs a certain number of years. It is upto a couple to identify the time and work on it and re-polish the surface, because the inside is still good. Here are a certain things you can do to make your dull marriage all nice and shiny. 

  1. Corner off a space in your house just for yourself if you have young children in the house. Make  it your special space where you can just chat with your spouse, have a coffee together, discuss work if you both work together or even have a chilled drink and watch the moon in the night. Preferably a balcony or a corner in a far away room, get in some plants and re-do it a bit. Fluff it with some pillows and get those warm fairy lights shine in. 
  1. Think of the moments you first met your spouse. Think of all the good things and try to see him/her as a person other than the husband/wife that you normally see. Treat the person like you want to impress. Make them comfortable as if you are meeting them the first time. Listen to their childhood stories, adolescent challenges, work adversaries, show interest in them and their gossips. Basically do whatever you do if you and your partner would be available in the market, again. There couldn’t be a better way to spice the relationship. Cinnamon swirls and coffee only come second in the list. 
  1. Let go. Let go of all the worries bothering you. Let go of the chores and home, let go of all the routines on the fridge magnet. Relax a bit and do your bit. Enjoy your work and give it your best. Heard of the saying, God will do the rest? 
  1. Pick an activity that you both enjoy doing. It could be getting your hands dirty in paint or talking a walk around that building you live in. Hit the accelerator and drive to the beach. Pick that bicycle and go for a spin. 

Its testing times for all houses. One day at a time. Hang in there and there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

P.s. A good friend once gave me an important marriage tip: invest in good sleep wear. Those Victoria Secrets top the chart 😉.

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