The extra pairs of crocs
February 7, 2017

Passion Education; Desired Learning

One of my friends, after seeing my recent FB post on Republic Day celebrations, asked me to write on the school that I visited and without giving it any thought I agreed. After that I switched on my thinking mode and I questioned myself why I agreed to it? It is not only because I enjoy writing but I enjoying writing about places where I enjoy being.

Gundibail Kannada Medium School, has a special place in my heart. One of the reasons and my only reason for being introduced to that school is my husband studied there. When I started spoken English classes for the students there about 3 years ago there were 5 teachers for 7 grades that included about 80 students. Initially I felt a sense of pity for the school for they lacked good amenities that a standard school would need. Then why did I keep going back to it year after year?

There is something about that school that is lacking in schools in our cities. I see teachers. Teachers who care for their students. Teachers who teach them life skills along with books. These teachers think about how to grow the school for the sake and benefit of these children. There are teachers who are working for no money. This shows their passion and affection to these children and indirectly to our nation.

When the children were lined up for mass drill on Republic day I noticed the difference in heights. I gathered they were probably more apart in ages too being in the same class. I also noticed one girl was even wearing a different blouse for her pinafore when compared to the others. I knew they were donated uniforms. What I liked about it is that the teachers didn’t mind it. In their eyes everyone looked the same.  This school is different in such matters. The children are different. They are taught to smile at people. They are taught to live life stress free. The teachers and the children work together for the well-being of the school and its benefactors.

This school has now opened its door to external help and will be aided by one of the eight spiritual Institutes of the Udupi Krishna Temple. The teachers are excited to learn new concepts so they can teach the children in turn. The children who have never been exposed to English are happy they will be able to communicate in a new language. They are seeking happiness out of simple things in life. Life is beautiful!


There’s a sense of belonging there. Their smiles and the glisten in their eyes take me back year after year.


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